
Radiohead - OK Computer (1997)

1 Airbag (4:44)
2 Paranoid Android (6:23)
3 Subterranean Homesick Alien (4:27)
4 Exit Music (For A Film) (4:24)
5 Let Down (4:59)
6 Karma Police (4:21)
7 Fitter Happier (1:57)
8 Electioneering (3:50)
9 Climbing Up The Walls (4:45)
10 No Surprises (3:48)
11 Lucky (4:19)
12 The Tourist (4:25)

Although this album was released only 3 years prior to Kid A, the feel is completely different. The album is more rock oriented and received more airplay because of it. Most people remember this album for Karma Police's radio success and Paranoid Android's ridiculous video.

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